A love letter to my dearest

Dear most special one,

I am writing you to tell you why I adore and love you so much.  It has been many months since I've written you and I think it's time to tell you once again how much I love you and why I love you.  You are a special soul.  You are unique and live at your own pace  I love that you are constantly savoring the moments in life.  Sometimes you are so impressed you need to take a photograph of what you see.  I love that you have so many pictures of your life.  I love too that sometimes you are so completely awestruck that you cannot even take a picture.  I love that in those times you save pictures with your eyes and remember them in your memories.  I love that you are embracing your inner child.  You recognize that while you age your child is ageless.  You  bring out your inner child at any time to play, to laugh, to run through waterfalls, to dance on the sidewalk, and to feel no shame.

I love that you embrace nature.  You love to be in the outdoors and you recognize when you've kept yourself inside for too long.  I think it is wonderful that you are spending more time in your own yard and savoring the nature right in your home space.

I love that you are a persistent yogi.  You recognize that you are competing against no one and working to find your inner heart and inner peace.

I love that you are listening to your heart more and more.  You have chosen to downsize your career and you have made life a priority over your profession.  I love that you listen to others and have learned to listen to yourself foremost.

I love how you define your courage every day in every moment.  You measure your courage not from others perceptions or expectations but in what you hear from your heart.  You are working to center on what you want and to move forward.  I love that you are becoming more and more vulnerable.

I love how you surround yourself with many friends and at the same time you love to hike on a desolate trail.  I love that you have made so many friends in the past year and also recognized where some around you need to slip away so that you can be more of a friend to yourself.

I love how you recognize that love and gratefulness bring so much joy into your heart and life.  I love when you feel so full of joy that your eyes start to tear and your heart feels as if it will burst through your chest.  I love when you put yourself first and you recognize who is not helping you so learn to move on from them. 

I am in wonder that you love to learn everyday.  Your learning starts as soon as your feet hit the floor and doesn't stop until you shut your eyes at night.  I love how you fill your days will so much adventure.  I love that you can give yourself down days too- that you've learned to live with your own quiet.  I love that you make me laugh all the time.  I love that you are learning to sit with all of your emotions and examining where they come from and how you want to work through them.

I am grateful that i get to know you best, see you grow, watch you experience such a full and interesting life.  Thank you for being you and sharing it all with me.

Love always,

Rocky Mountain Yogi Girl

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